This document is intended to provide a general overview of the products and related information to an international audience outside the US. Indications, contradictions, warnings and instructions for use are listed in the separate Instructions for Use.

This document may be subject to modifications. Any reference values mentioned herein or any other product related information shall solely serve as a general information and are subject to modifications and updates according to the current state of science and do not replace the individual therapeutic decision of the treating physician.

All graphics shown herein are produced by PULSION Medical Systems SE, unless otherwise noted.

MPI4031EN_V3.0 · PiCCO, PulsioFlex, ProAQT, CeVOX,LiMON are registered Trademarks · Copyright by PULSION Medical Systems SE 

Manufacturer · PULSION Medical Systems SE · Hans-Riedl-Str. 17 · 85622 Feldkirchen · Germany · Phone: +49 89 45 99 14-0 ·