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Mega 7.5 Fr. & 8 Fr. IAB Catheters

The large volume Mega IAB is available in sizes 30cc, 40cc and 50cc. Large volume catheters provide greater hemodynamic support for adult patients, as evidenced  by more blood volume displacement, more diastolic augmentation and more systolic unloading.[1]


Mega inta-aortic balloon catheter offers increased augementation for patients of all heights in need of hemodynamic support

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  1. 1. Kapur NK, et al. Hemodynamic Effects of Standard Versus Larger-Capacity Intra-aortic Balloon Counterpulsation Pumps.J Invasive Cardiol. 2015;27(4):182-188.

  2. 2. Tam, Christopher W.; Shen, Liang; Zeidman, Amanda Dijanic; Srivastava, Ankur; Ivascu, Natalia S.. Mechanical Circulatory Support: Primer for Consultant Specialists. CJASN 17(6):p 890-901, June 2022. | DOI: 10.2215/CJN.13341021

  3. 3. Jiritano F, Lo Coco V, Matteucci M, Fina D, Willers A, Lorusso R. Temporary Mechanical Circulatory Support in Acute Heart Failure. Card Fail Rev. 2020 Mar 16;6:e01. doi: 10.15420/cfr.2019.02

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