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Operating room equipped with Getinge's medical devices

Ceiling Supply Units

Enabling surgeries

During surgery, every action counts. Healthcare staff want to focus on the patient – not on equipment and utilities. As a highly ergonomic, efficient solution, Maquet Moduevo Ceiling Supply Units allows staff to concentrate on the patients and not on the devices.


surgeons in operating room

Operating Lights

Enhancing visibility

A successful surgical outcome is highly dependent upon the surgeon’s ability to visualize and assess the wound. Our LED surgical lights provides shadow-free, true-color illumination that enhances visibility in surgical procedures.

Nurse with patient on Maquet operating table

Operating Tables

For diverse surgical disciplines

Our OR tables portfolio provides optimum solutions in multiple surgical disciplines such as general surgery, orthopedics and traumatology and image guided surgery as well as a wide range of surgical tables accessories to allow the best patient positioning.

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