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XEN Xcelerate

Initiative in Every Drop

This ready-to-use foam spray requires no dilution, maximizing usability when time is tight for healthcare professionals. XEN Xcelerate kickstarts cleaning at the point of use, allowing the XEN sterile processing workflow to begin before instruments even reach the SPD, providing your staff with a better starting point in the manual sinks.

XEN Xcelerate trigger spray by Getinge

Ready to use

Product does not require mixing, eliminating exposure to accidental spillages.

pH neutral

Neutral pH recommended by AAMI/AORN for cleaning delicate medical instruments; reduces chance of pitting or staining.


Safe for use on ophthalmic instruments and outperformed enzymatic sprays in studies.

Reduces cost

Increases cleaning effectiveness and department productivity while reducing cleaning time and personnel costs.

Keeps soils moist

Prevents drying and hardening for up to 100 hours in open-air conditions.

Foam spray

Allows easy verification of instrument coverage and breaks down within 10 minutes to improve visibility and avoid sharps injury.


Rinses cleanly for greater residue reduction.