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Planning, management and optimization of your surgical department - made easy

Torin is the OR management solution that utilizes machine learning to optimize long-term and daily OR management. This state-of-the-art solution supports real-time progress updates and performance analysis. Torin provides a surgical overview and promotes efficient resource allocation - all enabling the best possible care for patients.

Torin also offers integration with Getinge’s T-DOC sterile supply management and Tegris OR integration solutions for a fully organized perioperative flow.


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Torin OR Management surgery calandar
OR staff discussing OR schedule by screen in the surgical department with Getinge’s OR Management solution Torin
OR staff checking the business intelligence data for an optimized decision support with the OR management solution Torin

Optimized OR Utilization - Leveraging Machine Learning to Streamline OR Management

  • Machine Learning-Based OR Management
  • Waiting list management
  • Real time surgery progress updates
  • Surgery documentation and Business Intelligence reports
  • Seamless integration into existing IT systems
  • Digital door sign
Picture of one building of Klinikum Stuttgart

Get the Torin customer story

OR management plays a key role in the surgical department at Klinikum Stuttgart in Germany. Read the case story how implementing our Torin OR management solution helped improve surgical planning and quality care.

Download the Torin customer story

Read the case story now:

Optimize prioritization of your surgical wait list with Torin OptimalQ

Prioritizing surgeries and building an accurate schedule is your best way to bring down the backlog caused by COVID-19. Learn how the Torin OptimalQ solution can help you optimize your surgery schedule.

Download the Torin customer story

Optimize prioritization of your surgical wait list with Torin OptimalQ

Torin OR Management saves 15 minutes before first incision in the OR

15 min. saved before first incision in the OR

Optimization and standardization of surgical workflows

Torin OR managemenmt solution can increase the  amount of surgeries

2,000 additional surgeries

Maximized resource utilization

Overall, we have succeeded in making our OR area more precise and reliable, using resources more efficiently, and managing room capacities more optimally.

A Scalable Solution to Organize your Surgical Flow

Torin is developed specifically for the needs and challenges in the surgical department.

Choose between three successive Torin solution levels to match your demands.

Torin OR Management comes in hree successive Torin solutions
OR  staff checks business intelligence data for optimized decion support with Torin OR management solution from Getinge

Torin Optimization

Business Intelligence for optimized decision support

Torin Optimization promotes advanced surgical planning, efficient day-to-day management, and improved resource utilization.

  • Unique data analytics for decision support
  • Improved department performance
  • Customized solution
OR staff discussing or surgery plan on screen with Torin OR Management

Torin Progress

On-time execution and complete documentation

Torin Progress supports surgical staff and managers in handling the increasing complexity in the surgical department.

  • On-time surgery schedule
  • Rescheduling tool to accommodate deviations
  • Complete surgery documentation
OR coordinator books surgers in Torin  OR Management solution

Torin Planning

User-friendly OR scheduling and visual overviews

Torin Planning helps surgical departments optimize their long- and short-term surgery plan and increase the OR utilization.

  • Validated and conflict-free surgery plan
  • Maximized use of resources
  • Consistent quality of care
Torin Planning Closeup screen

Intuitive scheduling with resource and conflict checking

Technology that improves patient care

Torin comes with an intuitive and user-friendly interface for day-to-day and long-term scheduling. The solution offers customizable booking templates for fast and smooth surgery planning and allows OR managers to reserve operating rooms, equipment and instruments needed for a specific surgery and assigns preferred staff for the day.

In case of delays, emergencies and other deviations, Torin enables OR managers to quickly postpone or prolong a surgery, automatically shifting all subsequent appointments to a later start time. The solution automatically checks for potential conflicts to avoid incoherencies and gaps, ensuring a more cost-effective and structured surgery plan.

Torin optimization screen

Complete data capture and documentation

Intuitive, efficient integration for your OR

Torin offers data capture and process documentation through registration of each step in the surgical patient journey. A customizable checklist ensures that all pre-, peri- and post-operative activities are carried out in due time, time-stamped and added to the surgical record for later review. In addition, the solution supports integration of diagnostic and procedural codes to support a standardized and safe environment. The continued registration allows you to follow the patient through their appointments and ensure that they are always in the right place at the right time.

Torin Or Managemenr solution  provides real-time surgery progress

Real-time surgery progress updates

Full OR integration with your hospital IT systems

Torin provides OR managers and surgical staff with visual, color-coded overviews of the short-term surgical plan for fast identification of ongoing and future procedures in each operating room. As the surgeries progress, status changes from inside the operating room are shared in real-time across all relevant screens, allowing the OR manager to adjust subsequent surgeries accordingly.

Nurse analysing data

Complete data reporting and analytical Business Intelligence

Manage your OR equipment simply and efficiently

Torin provides hospital and department managers with a unique analytics tool for monitoring, obtaining, and documenting predefined targets for further processing and analysis. As a result, the analytics part of the solution provides a high degree of decision support through capacity forecasts and business intelligence, revealing potential planning gaps, inefficiencies and thus improvement areas to be considered in the future.

Key performance indicators can be defined and displayed on screens in the department or visualized in reports, depicting the daily, weekly, monthly or yearly performance and flow in and across departments. Data stems from the continuous use of Torin, as every registration or status change adds to the overall picture of how the surgical flow is managed and executed.

Torin OR Management solution from Getinge  has many integrations

Integration to T-DOC and Tegris

Enable optimized remote training and teaching with live streaming

Torin is unique in offering integration to Getinge’s sterile supply management and OR integration solutions for a fully organized perioperative flow.

With Torin, central sterile supply departments using T-DOC gain access to updates of the surgery schedule for better planning of the instrument flow. The integration also allows OR managers to order and perform live availability checks of surgical instruments, when managing the surgery plan, and identifying potential problems in due time.

This enables you to adjust according to preferences, load and availabilities and keep the surgery schedule on time. The integration to the Tegris OR integration solution allows OR staff to display the daily and future surgery plan on any screen within the operating room during the surgery.



Key Torin features

Developed specifically for the challenges in the surgical department

Torin features Torin Planning Torin Progress Torin Optimization

Long-term capacity and resource planning

Adjustable surgery schedule to accommodate sudden deviations, delays and cancellations

Resource and conflict checking

Quick assignment of surgery staff based on surgery details

Customizable booking templates for a fast surgery scheduling

Color-coded surgery schedule

Immediate information-sharing across collaborating departments

Surgery schedule export for Tegris and T-DOC solutions

Real-time updates of surgery progress


Standard checklist for comprehensive surgery documentation


Clearly assigned patient responsibilities among staff


Visualization of surgery patient readiness


Cost calculation based on surgery type and consumables and instruments used


Live availability checks of surgical instruments through T-DOC


Real-time visualizations of department KPIs


Graphic Business Intelligence for advanced data analysis


Ordering of patient and equipment transports


Customized screen configurations

Add-On Functionality      

Add-on functionality and modules

Integration to existing hospital IT solutions

Expansion to collaborating departments

OR coordinator books surgers in Torin  OR Management solution

Increased OR utilization

Streamline planning for a better utilized surgical department

Torin comes with an elegant scheduling interface that allows you to plan, prioritize, and reschedule day-to-day and long-term surgery appointments. The solution automatically checks for resource and staff conflicts so that you can avoid double bookings as well as inconvenient and expensive waiting time. With surgery progress information shared from inside the operating room, you can follow the development throughout the day and adjust accordingly in case of deviations and delays.

Performance data is captured in the system and presented in visual digital overviews or downloadable reports, enabling hospital management to make better hospital-wide decisions.

OR nurse is working on screen in  the OR

Reduced time for OR coordination

Share information digitally and in real-time

Torin improves the way coordinators and staff collaborate in and across departments. With screens mounted in designated areas in the surgical department, surgical staff has access to real-time visual overviews of the surgery schedule. Using the screens to organize the workflow within the OR and to other departments, all staff have easy access to the same updated information, which reduces need for phone coordination and minimizes disruptions.

Torin supports the complete surgical documentation

Complete documentation

Capture data for a safer patient experience

Torin captures and time-stamps all steps in the surgical patient journey, ensuring complete documentation of the patient care pathway, surgery information and notes, and the instruments and implants used during surgical procedures. Diagnostic and procedural codes can be integrated into the system to support a standardized and safe environment.