Process EndoWrist® instruments.
The Getinge da Vinci® solution is based on the Getinge 86 Turbo washer-disinfectors, a multi-tasking system that allows you to process EndoWrist® instruments in a dedicated thermal disinfection cycle that delivers totally reliable results.
Watch an example loading of the Getinge da Vinci solution

Three cornerstones - one solution
The Getinge da Vinci solution consists of three cornerstones: washer-disinfectors, a unique customized processing program and smart racks.
When used together, these three cornerstones comprise a tested and verified solution that can be used to support the thermal disinfection option specified by Intuitive Surgical’s reprocessing instructions for Endowrist instruments.
Verified for 5 mm S/Si and 8mm X/Xi EndoWrist instruments
Thermally disinfect up to 8 EndoWrist instruments (two full operation sets + two spare)
Block unused connections for EndoWrist instruments without the need of special tools
Water pulsation program*
*(88T only)