Demystify Steam Sterilization - Part 1
The vast majority of surgical instrumentation in hospitals across the country today will be sterilized via steam sterilization. Trauma trays to help heal patients involved in a car wreck. Pediatric chest retractors to help doctors repair a five-day old heart. Laparoscopic instruments to remove a mother’s inflamed appendix. Steam is the undeniable workhorse of medical device reprocessing, ensuring that each of these instruments is safely and effectively sterilized.
Join us for this 14-part educational series as we “Demystify Steam Sterilization” for frontline reprocessing technicians and department leaders who use this amazing process each and every day. What myths and misconceptions are there regarding steam today? How should you prepare for a department renovation or rebuild when considering new equipment? Why is ongoing education around steam and steam sterilization such a critical need for our frontline reprocessing technicians? We will cover these questions and more in this 2 CE approved social media series.