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Gentle steps against atelectasis

Our lung recruitment maneuvers have become the tool of choice to counter atelectasis, to improve oxygenation and help prevent postoperative complications. What once was considered complex and time consuming is now seamlessly integrated into your workflow. [1] [2] 

Our unique Anesthesia technology makes the difference

With our flow anesthesia technology you can easily ensure a personalized flow for each patient, finetuning anaesthesia delivery in real time, breath by breath.

AGC Anesthesia Flow

Automatic Gas Control

O2Guard Anesthesia Flow


MAC Brain Anesthesia Flow

MAC Brain

Ventilation Anesthesia Flow

Ventilation performance


The products, availability of the Flow Family anesthesia systems and SW version may be pending regulatory approvals to be marketed in your country. Contact your Getinge representative for more information. The assertions stated by the physician are strictly those of the physician and do not necessarily reflect the views of Getinge.
Legal Manufacturer · Maquet Critical Care AB · Röntgenvägen 2 SE-171 54 Solna · Sweden · +46 (0)10 335 73 00

  1. 1. García-Fernández J, Romero A, Blanco A, et al. Recruitment manoeuvres in anaesthesia: How many more excuses are there not to use them? Rev Esp Anestesiol Reanim.2018 Apr;65(4):209-217

  2. 2. Yassen et al. Respiratory and Hemodynamic Effects of Prophylactic Alveolar Recruitment During Liver Transplant. Experimental and Clinical Transplantation (2021) DOı: 10.6002/ect.2020.0412