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Fighting Covid-19 with the help of Advanced Hemodynamic Monitoring

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Covid-19 & PiCCO
Intensive Care

The Italian experience: a practical advice

See how Prof. Grasso, from University Hospital di Bari in Italy, fought against a new virus and unknown disease in the midst of one of the worst Corona outbreaks in March 2020 in Italy.

The Covid-19 Virus conquered the world within weeks, which overcrowded hospitals, and confronted intensive care physicians with a major challenge. Italy was affected quite heavily due to the unknown virus. Until the end of March 2020, 31.776 patients were hospitalized of which 3.981 were admitted to intensive care. [1] Therapeutic conflicts and an elderly population led to high death rates. 

Watch the interview with Prof. Grasso below


Fight an unknown enemy

Professor Salvatore Grasso, Head of the Department of Anesthesia and Resuscitation at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Bari Aldo Moro Polyclinic, tells his story about the worst health care situation in Italy. 

Watch the video and learn what he experienced firsthand during the treatment of severely ill patients, at this time, infected by an unknown virus. Prof. Grasso explains how he and his team managed the situation, what they learned about the virus and treatment of Covid-19 patients, and how the PiCCO technology and its parameters contributed to Professor Grasso's fight against the pandemic.

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  1. 1. Megna, R. First month of the epidemic caused by COVID-19 in Italy: current status and real-time outbreak development forecast. glob health res policy 5, 43 (2020).