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NAVA. The ventilation technology for premature babies that is also groundbreaking for adult intensive care

Born 12 weeks too early with 50/50 chance at survival, Sabina Checketts has grown up to become a neonatal doctor herself, using new therapies and sophisticated technology to improve outcomes for premature babies. One such technique, invented by Getinge, utilizes sensors to help babies on ventilators breathe more easily and naturally—and it's increasingly being used on adults. It's just one part of a quiet revolution in intensive care.

Based on a true story

Watch the mini-documentary about the groundbreaking ventilation technology NAVA and meet Sabina Checketts, the neonatal doctor born 12 weeks too early herself.

Head profile and fingerprint brain

What if a patient’s brain signals could guide the ventilator

Imagine being able to see and deliver exactly what the patient wants, allowing their natural respiratory drive to control the ventilator. It’s now possible with our NAVA therapy, arguably the ultimate tool for personalized ventilation.

Cardiohelp System doctor patient

Life-supporting ECLS solutions

Getinge’s extracorporeal life support (ECLS) solutions are designed to provide cardiac and/or pulmonary support for critically ill patients.[1] [2]

Getinge patient in the bed

A concept for a quiet ICU

Together with leading industry partners, Getinge is showcasing innovative connectivity solutions for creating a more quiet and healing environment for the intensive care unit (ICU).

Nurse with a patient

Achieve tangible outcomes in intensive care

The intensive care unit (ICU) is a critical and costly environment. We focus on developing user-friendly and reliable solutions that help you achieve tangible and cost-effective patient outcomes for difficult-to-treat patients.


What is a ventilator and why is it needed?

In everyday life, breathing is so natural we don’t even think about it. Until suddenly it’s difficult. In such situations, the lungs may need additional support from a ventilator. But how do they work? And what makes some more advanced and effective than others? Watch this short film to find out.

  1. 1. Ducharme-Crevier L, et al. Interest of Monitoring Diaphragmatic Electrical Activity in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. Crit Care Res Pract. 2013;2013:384210

  2. 2. Kallio M, et al. Neurally adjusted ventilatory assist (NAVA) in pediatric intensive care - a randomized controlled trial. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2015 Jan;50(1):55-62.

  3. 3. Jaber S, et al. Rapidly progressive diaphragmatic weakness and injury during mechanical ventilation n humans. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2011 Feb 1;183(3):364-71.

  4. 4. Goligher EC, Dres M, Fan E Mechanical Ventilation-induced Diaphragm Atrophy Strongly Impacts Clinical Outcomes. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2018;197(2):204-213.

  5. 5. Delisle, et al. Sleep quality in mechanically ventilated patients: comparison between NAVA and PSV modes. Ann Intensive Care. 2011 Sep 28;1(1):42

  6. 6. Liu et al. Neurally Adjusted Ventilatory Assist versus Pressure Support Ventilation in Difficult Weaning. Critical Care 2019