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Hemagard Carotid Patch Knitted

Knitted Patches

  • Collagen-coated polyester patch
  • Reverse lock-knit knitting technique
  • Magnetic Resonance Safe
  • Water permeability: < 5ml/cm²/min[1]

Please refer to the Document Tab for legal mentions of products manufactured by INTERVASCULAR SAS.

Hemagard Carotid Patch Knitted.

Hemagard Carotid Patch Knitted

Dimensions Tapered Reference
6 mm x 75 mm yes HGKTP06/75CP (1)
8 mm x 75 mm yes HGKTP08/75CP (1)
10 mm x 75 mm no HGK10/75CP (1)
12 mm x 75 mm no HGK12/75CP (1)
14 mm x 75 mm no HGK14/75CP (1)
  1. 1. Data on file

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