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Getinge Clean Universal Detergent

Mild alkaline-based cleaner with enzymes

Getinge Clean Universal Detergent is a low foaming, non-abrasive, instrument cleaning product that rapidly removes, dissolves and disperses all types of soil as well as water scale and oxide stains.

* Not available for sales in the USA. 

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Getinge Clean Universal Detergent is a mild low foaming, non-abrasive, alkaline based cleaner.

Getinge Clean Universal Detergent offers:

  • Excellent cleaning performance
  • Recommended when a department wants to reduce the number of
  • Suitable for most types of washer disinfectors
  • Suitable for most types of materials. Material compatibility has to be checked with the instrument manufacturer
  • Neutralization is not required
  • Available in 5 L, 10 L, 25 L and 205 L containers

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