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Getinge Assured Superfast 20 Biological Indicator Steam

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The Getinge Assured Superfast 20 Biological Indicator (Steam) is designed for use to monitor 132˚C, 134˚C and 135˚C dynamic air removal (pre-vacuum) steam sterilization cycles.

The self-contained biological indicator contains Geobacillus Stearothermophilus spores in growth media.

Getinge Assured Superfast 20 Biological Indicator Steam gives rapid sterilization results in just 20 minutes

Getinge Assured Superfast 20 Biological Indicator Steam offers:

  • Rapid load sterilization results in just 20 minutes
  • Process indicator label changes from beige to black
  • Contains Geobacillus Stearothermophilus spores
  • Growth media changes to yellow if proper sterilization conditions were met
  • Compatible with pre-vacuum steam sterilizers
  • Conforms to EN ISO 11138

Technical data

  Order No.
Getinge Assured Superfast 20 Biological Indicator (Steam) 6005500506
Getinge Assured Express Incubator 6005500511

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