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Getinge Assured Smart-Well Incubator with Printer

Simple touchscreen and thermometer for easy and quick verification of incubation

The Getinge Assured Smart Well® Incubator with Printer is designed for single temperature incubation of Steam Smart Read Self-Contained Biological Indicators (SCBI's). The digital thermometer provides easy verification of incubation temperature.

* Not available for sales in the USA.

Getinge Assured Smart-Well Incubator with Printer is designed for incubating Smart-Read biological indicators

Getinge Assured Smart-Well Incubator with Printer offers:

  • Easy to use
  • Alarm alerts the user when growth is detected
  • Simple touch-screen and thermometer for easy and quick verification of incubation
  • 10 wells for biological indicators with integrated crusher
  • Pre-set for use of Smart-Read Biological Indicators
  • Printer included for permanent record

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  Order No.
Getinge Assured Smart-Well Incubator with Printer 504054400

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