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Getinge Assured Multicritical Process Variable Indicator VH2O2

Clear color change from blue to green.

The Getinge Assured Multicritical Process Variable Indicator (VH2O2) is designed to react to the critical process variables of time, temperature and hydrogen peroxide concentration in vaporized hydrogen peroxide processes.

When exposed to hydrogen peroxide, the diamond symbol changes color from blue to green.

*Not available for sales in the US


Getinge Assured Multicritical Process Variable Indicator VH2O2 offers:

  • Clear color change from blue to green
  • Assurance to the user that minimum cycle parameters have been achieved inside the pack
  • Compatible with VH2O2 sterilizers
  • Can be used as a permanent record
  • Cost effective
  • Conforms to EN ISO 11140-1, Type 4

Technical data

  Order No.
Getinge Assured Multicritical Process Variable Indicator VH2O2 6005500559

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