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Getinge Assured Helix Test Formaldehyde

Assurance to the user that cycle parameters have been achieved to release the load

The Helix Test Formaldehyde is suitable for daily sterilizer monitoring. The test is designed to be used in each sterilization cycle as an independent control device.

* Not available for sales in the USA.

Getinge Assured Helix Test Formaldehyde is for daily sterilizer monitoring.

Getinge Assured Helix Test Formladehyde offers:

  • Color change from red to green
  • Low-temperature Steam Formaldehyde (LTSF) sterilizers
  • Lead free and no toxic heavy metals
  • Re-usable holder can be used for 250 cycles
  • Cost effective
  • Adhesive back for easy documentation

Technical data

  Order No.
Getinge Assured Helix Test Formaldehyde 504053100

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