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Online webinar

Join us for this peer-to-peer educational webinar!

We look forward to welcoming you digitally for our next peer-to-peer educational webinar. 

Learning objectives:

  • Review the latest strategies and tools utilized in the ICU for acute respiratory failure treatment.
  • Practical advice on how to choose the NIV interface and initiate NIV ventilation properly.
  • Explore how to manage ventilation settings during invasive ventilation and which
    respiratory monitoring tool to use.


  • Dr. Carlos Ferrando Ortolá - Head of Surgical Intensive Care Unit - Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care,  Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, Spain - Deputy Editor In Chief Spanish Journal of Anesthesiology and Critical Care
  • Dr. Heder Jonathan de Vries - Attending in Pulmonary Medicine,  OLVG Hospital and Amsterdam UMC, Amsterdam, the Netherlands


  • Respiratory support initiation in case of Acute Respiratory Failure (ARF).
    How and for whom do I start NIV? by Carlos Ferrando Ortolá
  • Respiratory support initiation in case of Acute Respiratory Failure (ARF).
    How and for whom do I start invasive respiratory support? by Dr. Heder Jonathan de Vries

Event details

Online webinar

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