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Severe pulmonary edema

ELWI = 21 ml/kg

Severe pulmonary edema

Moderate pulmonary edema

ELWI = 14 ml/kg

Moderate pulmonary edema

No pulmonary edema

ELWI = 8 ml/kg

No pulmonary edema

A more advanced approach using extravascular lung water provides a systematic route to therapeutic options. Extravascular lung water is indexed to the body weight in kg, written as the extravascular lung water index (ELWI). By indexing to the patient’s predicted body weight (PBW), underestimation of lung water, particularly in obese patients, is avoided.

  1. 1. Gassanov N. et al. The PiCCO catheter. Dtsch med Wochenschr 2010; 135(46): 2311-2314

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