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Surgeries can’t afford to wait -
T-DOC knows how to ensure correct delivery of case carts

Digital Health
Operating Room
Sterile Reprocessing
OR nurse registers surgical case cart in T-DOC sterile goods management solution
Digital Health
Operating Room
Sterile Reprocessing

Free up time for the OR staff with one case cart scanning

Throughout the hospital, serious consequences arise when missing or incorrect instruments lead to postponed surgeries and compromised patient safety. With T-DOC, your Central Sterile Supply Department (CSSD) can ensure surgical case carts are delivered on time with the right instruments, implants, and disposables.

To optimize instrument ordering, support flexible workflows, and ensure timely delivery of instruments for surgery, T-DOC uses surgical case carts. By moving stocks and order picking from the OR to the CSSD, case carts help free up space and time in the surgical department. Utilizing case carts improves instrument turnaround time and makes it possible for facilities to increase the number of surgeries performed each year.  

With T-DOC, all packed trays, single instruments, and disposables are temporarily associated with a case cart, so the OR nurse only needs to scan one bar code per case cart instead of all items individually. This enables complete traceability to the patient and allows the OR nurse to focus on other value-adding tasks. 

T-DOC knows which instruments
are needed in every surgical case cart

- with help of the feature Dynamic Preference Lists

T-DOC knows which alternative instruments are acceptable changes for the OR staff

- with help of the feature Article Substitution

Accurate case carts deliveries to the OR

Does the surgery require instruments for a left-handed, latex-allergic surgeon performing cardiothoracic surgery on a 9-year-old boy? Not a problem.

The knowledge transfer from the OR staff to T-DOC preference lists makes it simple for the CSSD to select and deliver the right instruments for the specific surgeon, operating room, procedure and patient.

With T-DOC’s dynamic preference lists, CSSD staff prepare case carts by using pick lists that dynamically change based on the information T-DOC receives from the OR scheduling system. If the surgery is moved to another room or if another surgeon is assigned, the pick list will dynamically update and ensure correct and on-time deliveries.

Using dynamic preference lists optimizes the use of case carts and ensures that the OR always has the right instruments at the right time and place.

T-DOC’s support for dynamic preference lists on case carts is a unique strength. T-DOC helps us a lot with case cart deliveries

On-time instrument deliveries from the CSSD

Is the surgeon’s preferred left-handed instrument out of stock during packing of the case cart? Also not a problem.

The instrument substitution function enables you to define identical and alternative articles in T-DOC to ensure on-time delivery and adherence to the surgical schedule. With T-DOC, OR staff can define the acceptable alternatives and benefit from higher instrument availability while the CSSD staff benefit from a smoother workflow with greater freedom and flexibility when completing the order. 


Identical items: The item is the same as the original from a surgeon’s perspective, but may have a different manufacturer, repair vendor, or pricing.

Alternative items: The item differs slightly from the original, for example a large basic tray can be an alternative to a small basic tray.

Digital solution to optimize your sterile supply workflow

Around the world, the OR and CSSD are becoming increasingly complex with new surgeries and instruments creating an even greater need for trust and coordination across departments. Fortunately, T-DOC knows which items are needed for each type of surgery, patient, room and surgeon – and it gets them there on time.

It’s a flexible, automated and easy-to-use solution that enables you to control every detail in your sterile supply workflow, so the surgical teams can focus on what’s most important – the patients.

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