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ECLS is a treatment option to provide mechanical extracorporeal assistance to support or replace a patient’s heart and/or lungs.

Q&A - Getinge oxygenators and cardiopulmonary products

The usage of Getinge oxygenators and cardiopulmonary products in COVID-19 / SARS-CoV-2 patients. The Q&A provides an overview about the current situation and is mainly based on technical and theoretical considerations of which Getinge is aware.

Support and Guidance

Male nurse takes care of a patient

Getinge’s life-saving ECMO solutions

In addition to a huge demand for advanced ventilators, the fight against the new coronavirus COVID-19 has also increased the need for Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO).

Two nurses during work

Intensive Care

We support your learning curve, to ensure that every treatment goes according to plan, with improved clinical outcome and reduced length of stay.

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