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May 7, 2018 Gothenburg, Sweden

Board members and senior executives in Getinge have acquired synthetic share options in Getinge from Carl Bennet AB

The Board of Directors in Getinge AB has today been informed by the company’s principal shareholder, Carl Bennet AB, that board members and senior executives in Getinge have acquired synthetic share options in Getinge issued by Carl Bennet AB.

Carl Bennet AB has offered all board members elected by the general meeting and all members of the Executive Team in Getinge to acquire synthetic share options in Getinge issued by Carl Bennet AB. According to the notification, 3,153,899 synthetic share options have been acquired in total, at a price deemed to correspond to the market value of the options. The total market value of the options at the time of the transaction has been calculated to app. SEK 21.8 million.

The synthetic share options are related to the Getinge Class B share with a maturity of four years and may be exercised during the period 1 March–31 May 2022. The exercise price per option is SEK 101.50, which corresponds to 122 per cent of the volume-weighted average price paid for the Getinge Class B share on Nasdaq Stockholm during the period 27 April – 4 May 2018. When exercising the option, the option holder will receive a cash payment from Carl Bennet AB corresponding to the number of underlying Class B shares each option represents multiplied by the market value of the share reduced by the exercise price. The option holder will not receive any cash payment if the market value is less than the exercise price.

Getinge has not been involved in the offer that has been provided by Carl Bennet AB to board members and executive management in Getinge on its own initiative.


Lars Mattsson
Head of Investor Relations
Phone: +46 (0)10 335 0043

Jeanette Hedén Carlsson
Executive Vice President Communications & Brand Management
Phone: +46 (0)10 335 1003
