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Torin OR Management

Planning, management and optimization of your surgical department

Torin is the OR management solution that is using artificial intelligence to improve long-term and daily scheduling. Torin supports real-time progress updates and performance analysis. All to provide overview, structure workflows and utilize resources more efficiently, enabling the best possible care for patients.


Torin OR Management surgery calandar
OR staff discussing OR schedule by screen in the surgical department with Getinge’s OR Management solution Torin
OR staff checking the business intelligence data for an optimized decision support with the OR management solution Torin

Optimized OR utilization using AI and
enhance coordination

  • AI-based OR scheduling
  • Waiting list management
  • Real time surgery progress updates
  • Surgery documentation and BI reports
  • Seamless solution integration
  • Digital door sign
Torin OR Management saves 15 minutes before first incision in the OR

15 min. saved before first incision in the OR

Optimization and standardization of surgical workflows

Torin OR managemenmt solution can increase the  amount of surgeries

2,000 additional surgeries

Maximized resource utilization

Overall, we have succeeded in making our OR area more precise and reliable, using resources more efficiently, and managing room capacities more optimally.

Fully organized surgical flow -
with Torin OR management

Torin is developed specifically for the needs and challenges in the surgical department.
Choose between three successive Torin solution levels to match your demands.

Torin OR Management comes in hree successive Torin solutions

Choose the OR Management solution that is tailored to your needs

OR  staff checks business intelligence data for optimized decion support with Torin OR management solution from Getinge

Torin Optimization

AI and Business Intelligence for smart OR Management

Torin Optimization promotes advanced surgical planning, efficient day-to-day management, and improved resource utilization.

  • Better prediction of surgery times
    with AI
  • Manage surgical waiting lists
  • Unique data analytics for decision support
  • Improved department performance
  • Customized solution
OR staff discussing or surgery plan on screen with Torin OR Management

Torin Progress

On-time execution and complete documentation

Torin Progress supports surgical staff and managers in handling the increasing complexity in the surgical department.

  • On-time surgery schedule
  • Reschedule to accommodate deviations
  • Complete surgery documentation
  • Torin SmartView digital door sign
OR coordinator books surgers in Torin  OR Management solution

Torin Planning

User-friendly OR scheduling and visual overviews

Torin Planning helps surgical departments optimize their long- and short-term surgery plan and increase the OR utilization.

  • Validated and conflict-free
    surgery plan
  • Maximized use of resources
  • Consistent quality of care

Efficient surgical planning with Torin OR management

OR management plays a key role in the surgical department at Klinikum Stuttgart in Germany. Read the case story how implementing our Torin OR management solution helped improve surgical planning and quality care.

Klinikum Stuttgart, Germany is  using Toin  OR Management
Torin OR Management is using  Artificial Intelligence

AI-based OR scheduling

Increased OR utilization

  • Prediction of surgery times with AI
  • Schedule, prioritize, and reschedule short- and long-term surgery appointments
  • Automatically checks for resource and staff conflicts 
Torin screen is showing the waiting list of surgeries

Waiting list management

OR capacity planning

  • Ranking of the surgical backlog
  • Proposes a preschedule for the upcoming weeks
  • Takes available OR capacities into account
Torin Or Managemenr solution  provides real-time surgery progress

Real-time surgery progress updates

Enhanced coordination

  • Visual, color-coded overviews of the short-term surgical plan for each OR
  • Status changes from inside the OR in real-time 
  • Digital door sign
OR nusre is doing the OR documenmtation with Torin the OR management solution from Getinge

Surgery documentation and BI reports

Complete documentation and data dashboards

  • Full log of e.g. incision and suture times, implants and instruments used, and assigned staff
  • Customizable checklists for  pre-, intra and post-operative checkpoints
  • Track performance across departments over time from predefined dashboards
  • Filter data and graphs based on different criteria
Torin OR Management solution from Getinge  has many integrations

Solution Integration

Supporting the clinical teams

  • Bidirectional integration between Torin and EMR system
  • Integration to Getinge’s sterile supply management T-DOC and OR integration solution Tegris
  • Supports HL7 standards


Torin SmartVIew is a digital sign to show information outside the OR

Digital door sign

Increase safety and efficiency

  • Digital operating room doorplate
  • Displays current status in the OR
  • Displays the next planned surgery
  • Decrease numbers of door swings
  • Content is configurable
  • Compatible with HTML5 Web-Brower supporting devices
Torin OR Management solution comes with color-coded overviews

AI increases staff and patient satisfaction

Torin supports improvement of the OR schedule accuracy by providing AI-based prediction of surgery times. Increased plan accuracy will reduce delayed or canceled surgeries on day schedule. The solution automatically checks for resource and staff conflicts so that double bookings can be avoided.

OR nurse is working on screen in  the OR

Reduced time for OR coordination

Torin improves the way coordinators and staff collaborate both in and across departments. OR staff share surgery progress updates in real-time, providing updated information across departments. All staff have access to the same data, which reduces need for phone calls and minimizes disruptions.

Torin supports the complete surgical documentation

Capture data for a safer patient experience

Torin records all steps of surgical patient treatment, ensuring complete documentation of the treatment process. This includes surgery information and notes, and a record of the instruments and implants used during the surgical procedure.

Torin OR Management

Ensure a calm care environment for patients

Implementing standardized checklists in the surgical workflow promotes patient safety, without adding complexity for the staff. With accurate and updated information available, Torin supports communication to patients and their relatives. Patients experience the reassurance of a well-organized, calm hospital with surgeries that run according to schedule.

  • Planning, management and optimization of your surgical department - made easy

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