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HLS Set Advanced

The HLS Set Advanced provides complete monitoring and is specially developed for veno-venous or veno-arterial extracorporeal support.

The HLS Set Advanced for veno-venous or veno-arterial extracorporeal support for up to 30 days (CE region) continuous use.
HLS Set Advanced with a blood flow of up to 5 l/min or with a blood flow of up to 7 l/min
Extracorporeal life support of heart and/or lungs with Cardiohelp, also for intra-hospital and inter-hospital transportation

Combining a low damage blood pump with a highly efficient gas module

The HLS Set Advanced provides complete monitoring of and is specially developed for veno-venous or veno-arterial extracorporeal life support. Powered and monitored by the Cardiohelp System, the HLS Set Advanced comes with all necessary approvals for transporting patients on extracorporeal life support within the hospital or in-between hospitals. It combines user-friendliness and patient safety.


Related products

The HLS Set Advanced is available in two versions:

HLS Set Advanced 5.0

  • Accommodates a blood flow of up to 5 l/min.
  • Available with biocompatible Bioline Coating.
  • For patients with history of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia, a set with Softline Coating is available, the HIT Set Advanced 5.0.

HLS Set Advanced 7.0

  • Accommodates a blood flow of up to 7 l/min.
  • Available with biocompatible Bioline Coating.
  • For patients with history of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia, a set with Softline Coating is available, the HIT Set Advanced 7.0.


  • Fully monitored system for added patient safety which may lead to reduced bedside costs (together with the Cardiohelp System)
  • The continuous non-invasive infrared measurement of venous blood parameters allows for control of the patient’s hematocrit, hemoglobin, oxygen saturation and blood temperature without blood sampling.
  • Low priming volume for less hemodilution.
  • Tip-to-Tip BIOLINE Coating for high biocompatibility.

Easy handling

  • Quick and easy set-up and priming for fast deployment in emergency situations.
  • Continuous availability of the patient’s blood parameters.
  • Provided as a standard set HLS Set Advanced allows for standardized trainings of users, familiarity with the product in any situation and routine handling.


  • Support for up to 30 days [1] continuous use (when used with HLS Cannulae with BIOLINE Coating)
  • Many application areas in the field of veno-venous or veno-arterial extracorporeal life support
  • Transport approval (air / ground)
  1. 1. CE region

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