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Getinge da Vinci solution

A comprehensive cleaning solution for da Vinci EndoWrist® instruments.

Getinge wash rack with da Vicni Xi surgical insturments
Da Vinci Xi surgical instruments loaded into a Getinge Aquadis 56 Washer-Disinfector
Getinge wash cart with da Vicni Xi surgical insturments

A comprehensive cleaning solution for da Vinci EndoWrist® instruments

The Getinge da Vinci® solution is available for Getinge Aquadis 56, 8668 and 88 Turbo washer-disinfectors. This is a multi-tasking system that allows you to process EndoWrist® instruments and most other kinds of surgical instruments in the same washer-disinfector, all with totally reliable results.

Verified according to reprocessing instructions for 5 and 8 mm Si and 8 mm Xi EndoWrist instruments

Clean and disinfect up to 12 EndoWrist instruments (two full operation sets + two spare)

Clean and disinfect up to 12 EndoWrist instruments.

Block unused connections for EndoWrist instruments

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