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Getinge Clean Neutralizer Plus

Process additive for pH neutralization of high alkaline detergents

Getinge Clean Neutralizer Plus is a powerful, multipurpose acid neutralizer and cleaner. Formulation includes a blend of orthophosphoric and nitric acid – (typical pH of 2 in use dilution).

* Not available for sales in the USA.

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Getinge Clean Neutralizer Plus is a powerful, multipurpose acid neutralizer and cleaner.

Getinge Clean Neutralizer Plus offers:

  • Formulation includes a blend of orthophosphoric and nitric acid – (typical pH in use dilution 2)
  • Process additive for pH neutralization of high alkaline detergents
  • Removes rust, stains and hard water scale from stainless steel instruments, equipment and washer-disinfector chambers
  • For both automated and manual use
  • Restores stainless steel surface finish
  • Only recommended for use on stainless steel and glass
  • Available in 5 L containers

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