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We support every step of your journey
From Science to Life

We help scientists and engineers move from idea to innovation.
From threat to cure. From science to life.

By leveraging our deep application know-how and global footprint, Getinge partners with scientists and engineers to develop and manufacture better pharmaceuticals.

We focus on contamination prevention and upstream bioprocessing to provide tailored, efficient and compliant solutions to our customers and partners who are dedicated to prevent, mitigate and cure diseases - saving lives.

Solutions tailored to your every need

We design and provide tailored, efficient, and compliant solutions based on our extensive portfolio and experience from +25,000 customers worldwide.

Worldwide presence and experience

Getinge’s worldwide reach, +10,000 employees, and extensive installed base in +135 countries give us the ability to support you anywhere in the world.

A century of application know-how

By leveraging our deep application know-how and global footprint, we partner with scientists and engineers to develop and manufacture better pharmaceuticals.

Our Service Team is always by your side

With our own Service Team by your side, you are ready to meet the requirements of accrediting organizations and government regulatory agencies.

Explore our products

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