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Join Getinge for the 2025 European Virtual EVH Summit —a globally accessible, two-day virtual event designed for clinicians involved in endoscopic vessel harvesting (EVH).

This summit aims to deliver key insights and innovative practices from top experts in the field of EVH, making the latest techniques and discussions available to a worldwide audience. Whether you're an experienced clinician or looking to refine your skills, this event will provide comprehensive educational content covering radial and saphenous vein harvesting.

Each day will feature presentations by renowned EVH specialists who will share their expertise on procedural optimization, historical perspectives, and pioneering approaches. The event also includes interactive Q&A sessions to foster engagement, knowledge-sharing, and real-time discussions with faculty.

Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your practice, connect with peers, and stay updated on the evolving role of EVH in coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) procedures.

Event details


Day 1: Wednesday, April 16, 2025

Time: 18:00 GMT | 19:00 CET

  • Advanced Vein Graft Harvesting & Handling Techniques for All Users – Dr. Alexander Assmann (Germany)
  • EVH vs. OVH: An Overview and Analysis + Streamlined Vein Harvesting Techniques – Vincenzo DeFranco, SCP (United Kingdom)

Day 2: Thursday, April 17, 2025

Time: 18:00 GMT | 19:00 CET

  • Breakthrough Moments for Successful Vein Harvesters – Rona Calanao, SCP (United Kingdom)
  • Techniques, Tips, and Pitfalls to Avoid in Endoscopic Radial Artery Harvesting – Jasmina Ttofi, SCP (United Kingdom)

Key Event Highlights

  • Virtual Format – Join from anywhere in the world.
  • Expert-Led Discussions – Learn from leading EVH specialists.
  • Interactive Q&A – Engage directly with faculty.
  • Flexible Participation – Streamed live and accessible remotely.

Registration is open to all clinicians. Stay tuned for registration details.
Program, speakers, and topics subject to change.

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