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Integrate your hospital IT solutions for an efficient sterile workflow

Digital Health
Operating Room
Sterile Reprocessing
CSSD technicians  looking at the T-DOC Production Overview and planning the sterile production
Digital Health
Operating Room
Sterile Reprocessing

T-DOC knows how to reduce strain on hospital staff

Coherence across your hospital’s IT infrastructure is crucial when it comes to ensuring high quality and efficiency in your sterile workflow. With our smart sterile supply management solution, T-DOC, you can access free floating data from multiple hospital IT platforms in one place. This will ensure smoother processes, increased quality, and seamless communication.

T-DOC interfaces with a wide range of hospital IT systems such as the surgical scheduling, patient, finance, stock and purchasing systems. The immediate and automatic data exchange improves coordination among hospital staff across departments. The risk of human errors is reduced by eliminating the need for data entry in multiple systems.

By making processes more consistent, integration significantly improves quality in the sterile department. Having one entry point results in less strain on staff and enables easier training of new colleagues as there is no need to navigate multiple systems. Interfacing also enables faster decision-making and saves time by reducing duplicate data entry and the hassle of correcting mistakes.

Our interfaces with T-DOC increase communication across the departments, prevent double-efforts and ensure a high quality of data accuracy

Interface with a wide range of hospital IT-systems

T-DOC interfaces are fast to set up and come in well-defined, standard modules that are cost-effective and easy to modify. T-DOC can interface with a wide range of third-party systems and adding new ones is a simple process.

Interface to OR scheduling systems
This interface ensures T-DOC knows about all scheduled surgeries, instruments needed, and any last-minute changes to enable prioritization of the sterile production.  

Interface to stock, purchasing and finance systems
These three systems are often combined in one system. Interfacing with T-DOC ensures: 

  • Transparency and stock management of sterile goods, order flow and stock value. Traceability from manufacturing to patient.
  • Accurate stock levels thanks to T-DOCs automatic reordering from internal or external suppliers.
  • Redistribution of the costs of delivered items to the respective customers.

T-DOC Interfaces Infographic.png

T-DOC knows hospital data security is a top priority

The transfer of sensitive patient, staff and supplier data between IT systems puts serious demands on your information security set up. With the high encryption standards in T-DOC, your data is safe. T-DOC enables you to be compliant with local, national, or regional legislation when it comes to the handling, storage, and management of sensitive data. With T-DOC you can easily define a type of data as sensitive and define user settings for who can view which data, when and where.

It’s a flexible, automated and easy-to-use solution that enables you to control every detail in your sterile supply workflow, so the surgical teams can focus on what’s most important – the patients.

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