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Certificate access upon approval
This course is accessible upon approval by your Getinge representative. Click the link and follow the instructions.
In this training you will learn how T-DOC supports workflow efficiency, patient safety, traceability, and quality assurance. You will get an introduction to the main features and values of T-DOC and understand the key role T-DOC plays in connecting the CSSD and the OR.
45 min
NOTE: This eLearning is only available to customers with T-DOC. To get access, contact your local sales representative for more information.

사용자 귀하, 이제 글로벌 콘텐츠를 볼 수 있습니다. Getinge Korea는 이 내용을 검토하거나 통제하지 않습니다. Getinge International 제품 중 일부가 귀하의 국가에서 승인되지 않았을 수 있습니다. 자세한 한국어 정보는 저희에게 문의해주세요.