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Getinge’s support of Educational Grants plays an important role in the advancement of knowledge, medical technology and treatment, enabling healthcare professionals to achieve optimal patient outcomes.

Getinge is a member of the MedTech Europe and is a strong supporter of the MedTech Europe's Code of Ethical Business Practice. Getinge does not provide educational grants for the purpose of rewarding or incentivizing past or future business related to Getinge products. In case of questions or concerns, reach out to Global Medical Affairs at

Time Requirement

Submission of an Educational Grant request must be made at least forty-five (45) days prior to the event start date to allow adequate time for review and processing of grant requirements.


Qualifying requesters must complete the following Educational Grant Application and all required supporting documents. Templates for required supporting documents are found below on this information page. Completed requests must be submitted a minimum of forty-five (45) days prior to the educational event. Submission of an application does not guarantee support.


All applications will be reviewed by the Educational Grants Review Committee. Final approval of the grant is subject to the availability of resources requested. Applicants will be notified of the final decision via email.

Important considerations include

  • The program agenda and educational materials should reflect an objective and legitimate educational purpose
  • The venue and setting must be conducive to the exchange of educational information
  • Getinge cannot be the sole supporter of the entire event
  • The educational grant must not cover the costs linked to the organization of leisure/entertainment activities, lavish meals, to cover ordinary operating costs, and other budgetary items not directly linked to education
  • Trainings that are part of a required curriculum/ licensing programs will not be supported

Execution of Grants

Upon approval, the requesting organization is required to commit to the terms and conditions as detailed in the letter of agreement, electronically.  Payments will be made towards the organization listed on the W-9 Form.


Grant recipient will be required to provide an accounting of the actual expenditures of monetary support, the actual use and consumption of the in-kind support and a qualitative assessment of the effectiveness of the program's educational content within 45 days of completion of the event.

Members of Getinge’s commercial organization are not authorized to make any commitments to grant applicants and are prohibited from unduly influencing the Educational Grant Committee's decision to approve Educational Grants. All Educational Grant Requests must be submitted solely by the third party requester, without input from the Getinge Commercial Organization.

Ready to begin your grant application?

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What are the different types of grants being supported by Getinge?
  2. How far in advance should an application be submitted?
  3. Will the applicant receive any confirmation on receipt of the application?
  4. How long does the review process take once an Educational Grant Request is submitted?
  5. Are commercial sponsorships such as tradeshows/exhibits affected by this process?
  6. How long will it take for the Grants review Committee to provide the decision on a request?
  7. Does Getinge support fellowship grants?
  8. How can the requester contact the grant administrator?

What are the different types of grants being supported by Getinge?

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How far in advance must an Educational Grant application be submitted?

  • Submissions must be made at least sixty-days (60) prior to the event start date to allow adequate timeline for review of the request and allocation of resources.
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Will the applicant receive any confirmation on receipt of the application?

  • Yes, the applicant will receive an email confirmation on submission of the application. Further, the Grants administrator will reach out to the requester, if any additional information is required before the submission is reviewed by the Educational Grants Review Committee.
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How long does the review process take once an Educational Grant Request is submitted?

  • All Educational Grant Applications will be reviewed by the Educational Grants Review Committee. Once a Grant Application is deemed complete (all required documents are completed and signed), it will be reviewed at the next scheduled Educational Grants Review Committee meeting. The Educational Grants Review Committee meets monthly.
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Are commercial sponsorships such as tradeshows/exhibits affected by this process?

  • Getinge’s support of commercial sponsorships is not governed by the Educational Grant Request process. Commercial sponsorships are reviewed via a separate process. Requests for commercial sponsorships should be directed via the local Getinge representative aligned to the therapeutic area of interest.
  • Getinge may provide commercial sponsorship whether an educational grant request is made by the same 3rd party or not. The commercial sponsorship request is not influenced whether an Educational Grant Request is approved or rejected. 

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How long will it take for the Grants Review Committee to provide a decision to the grant applicant upon receipt of a grant submission? 

  • The grant applicant will be notified by Medical Affairs, via email of the final decision at least 4 weeks before the event.
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Does Getinge support fellowship grants?

  • No, Getinge does not support fellowship grants.
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How can the requester contact the grant administrator?

  • For any additional information, the requester may contact the grants administrator at
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