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Global Anti Bribery Corruption Policy

Getinge does not accept corruption and the use of entrusted power for private gain in any form. There are rules about the way we give and receive gifts, hospitality, sponsorship and interaction with healthcare professionals. There are also rules on responsibility for third parties such as distributors, agents and vendors. Here you also find rules about speaking up.

Global Anti-Trust & Fair Competition Policy

Competition should be free, fair, ethical, and lawful. We don’t unfairly influence purchasing decisions, or create conflicts of interest. The integrity and reputation of partners, distributors, suppliers and customers contributes to our own.

People Policy

At Getinge we respect and protect the rights of our people. All employees have equal opportunities, and the right to a safe and healthy workplace. Everyone is treated with respect, dignity, and common courtesy. There is zero tolerance of discrimination, harassment and bullying. Child labor, forced labour, and any forms of modern slavery are not acceptable at Getinge or any of our business partners.

Insider Policy

Getinge AB is a publicly traded company on the Nasdaq Stockholm Stock Exchange and by that, Getinge needs to follow certain regulations around insider trading and market abuse. For some people within Getinge, certain stricter rules apply. Board members and Getinge Executive Team (GET) must be aware and follow these stricter rules.

Trade Compliance Policy

The products Getinge sells worldwide are subject to various local laws, sanctions, and export controls. Failure to comply could result in substantial fines & penalties, and cause reputational damage to Getinge. It’s important that everyone has the understanding and instructions needed to comply with these laws.

Communication Policy

Communication to both employees and the public is important. As a publicly-traded company, Getinge’s communication should be open and transparent, mindful of stock market requirements, reliable, ethical, and consistent with the corporate image. Employees must consider how their communication may affect the whole company.

IT Policy

Getinge is committed to safeguarding people and information, while at the same time mitigating overall IT risks through consistent standards. We clearly describe the behavior we expect from all users, system administrators, management and IT security personnel.

Global Data Privacy Policy

Data Privacy and Data Protection are fundamental human rights. Getinge proactively addresses business practices that might lead to violations of these rights, or related laws. The General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”), holds Getinge responsible for personal data of employees, customers, patients and partners.

Human Rights Policy

Getinge respects Human Rights as a high priority. Our business operations are guided by the principles of diversity and inclusion, freedom of association and ensuring a safe and secure workplace. We commit to mitigating and preventing abuses in our business, operations, supply chain, and communities.

Sustainability Policy

Getinge ensures the materials we use are ethically sourced and environmentally sound. We are always seeking to minimise the negative effect we have on the world by reducing energy consumption and CO2. Where we cannot reduce waste, we dispose of it responsibly.

Global Purchasing Policy

Getinge has processes and teams dedicated to capturing the best value from suppliers, in a way that facilitates the fair, open, and responsible competition we are committed to.

Global Intellectual Property Policy

Getinge safeguards its key innovations, inventions, technologies and work both legally and morally. This means complying with legal requirements, and also respecting the intellectual property rights of others.

Financial Policy*

At Getinge we aim to secure that the financial operations are supporting the overall strategy of Getinge and making sure the group has top quality internal control procedures in place.

*Not made public

Corporate Governance Policy*

Getinge have clear principles and practices which must be applied for the governance of each Getinge Legal Entity by its Board of Directors, pursuant to all applicable local laws. The purpose is not only to establish appropriate governance and provide efficient management and control, but also to bring clarity to decision making, accountability and the roles of the Board of Directors, the Managing Director/General Manager and other Officers of each Getinge Legal Entity.

*Not made public

Quality Policy

Getinge is committed fostering a company-wide culture of quality where all contribute to achieving excellence. This includes meeting all regional, national, and international regulatory requirements for product and management systems. Every Getinge employee is expected to demonstrate this commitment to quality by taking responsibility for the quality of everything we do.

Environmental Policy

Our environmental objective is to contribute to a sustainable society. We are committed to optimizing the use of energy and natural resources, minimizing our emissions to air and reducing the environmental impact of our waste handling. All employees are expected to comply with all environmental laws and regulations and to integrate environmental considerations into all of their activities.






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