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Intuitive, safe, smart & connected

Meet your new teammate!

Maquet Corin is an intelligent mobile OR Table that can help you to streamline processes in the daily routine of your surgical departments.
Stay fully focused on patients knowing that your OR table is giving intuitive visual feedback that helps manage risks.
Easily set up and position patients for optimized site access and ergonomics. 

Maquet Corin OR Table

Setting a new OR table standard

“The holistic R&D approach – integrating a simple, intuitive user interface, proactive safety features and smart connectivity – sets a new standard and puts Getinge’s new Maquet Corin operating room table at the very top of its segment.”

Ulrich Peters
Senior Project Manager

Maquet Corin OR Table

Proactive and intuitive

"As hospitals face the challenge to master more complex operating room technology with strained resources, equipment that almost become active members of the surgical team can help facilitate the work. This proactive philosophy is the foundation of Getinge’s new Maquet Corin operating table."

Hanna Gantenbein
Product Manager Mobile OR Tables 

Maquet Corin OR Table

Getinge’s first connected operating table

"The launch of Maquet Corin brings Getinge a step forward in two important areas. In addition bo being the company´s first connected operating room (OR) table, it also pioneers a modular approach with the same technical components used across different OR tables."

Frank Alles
Senior Director
Global Product Management
Surgical Workplaces

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