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The Heart Surgeon’s Cookbook
– A tribute to skilled hands

Getinge is trusted solution provider for cardiovascular and cardiothoracic procedures. We provide tools, technology, and solutions to improve the clinical experience before, during, and after surgery. Our solutions minimize infections, reduce risk, and support faster patient recoveries.

Yet. The most important tool in the operating room is the hands of surgeons. This cookbook is a tribute to these hands. And a fun way to exercise surgical dexterity and make already skilled hands even better.


Cindy Blasewitz

Senior Global Training, Development & Clinical Marketing Manager, Getinge

Why has Getinge, a partner for cardiovascular and cardiothoracic procedures, made a cookbook? Here, Cindy Blasewitz talks more about the thoughts behind the project.


Dr Nirav Patel

Vice Chairman, Director of Robotic Surgery, New York

Dr. Patel is the surgeon behind The Heart Surgeon’s Cookbook. Hear him talk about how advanced cooking can help enhance surgical dexterity. 

Nine recipes that will improve your dexterity

From roasted quail to walnut tart. All based on four vital techniques used in the operating room. ​

The Heart Surgeon’s Cookbook by Getinge

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