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Getinge Clean Chamber Foam

Ready-to-use acid foam spray

Getinge Clean Chamber Foam is applied inside process chambers and easily wiped off with a wet cloth, leaving the chamber clean and free from limescale, mineral deposits and odors; it even removes rust. It will help the CSSD staff to keep the equipment clean and minimize repair costs due to poor water quality and neglected maintenance.

* Not available for sales in the USA

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Getinge Clean Chamber Foam is a ready-to-use acid cleaner available in 500 ml trigger sprayer

Getinge Clean チャンバーフォームの特徴




  • 泡状ですぐに使える酸性洗浄剤
  • 滅菌器、ウォッシャーディスインフェクター、やフラッシャーのチャンバーのスケールやミネラル堆積物、錆を除去
  • 日常的なメンテナンスに最適なソリューション
  • 最小限の作業でオペレータの安全性を向上
  • 低臭気配合
  • 500 ml容器 x 6本


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