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Getinge Assured Wash Monitor F/R

Providing assurance and a traceable record

The Getinge Assured Wash Monitor F/R checks the cleaning efficiency of lumen instruments in the washer-disinfector. The test is inserted in a re-usable Wash Monitor F Holder to simulate flexible lumen instrument and into the Wash Monitor R Holder to simulate rigid lumen instruments. It is then placed in the washer-disinfector.

Two overlapping beige and gray pregnancy test strips on a white background.

Getinge Assured ウォッシュモニター F/Rの特徴

  • 消毒器用
  • 再利用可能なGetinge Assured ウォッシュモニター F / R Holderに挿入して使用
  • 手術器具に付着した血液や組織の除去を同時に検証可能なテストソイル
  • 有害成分を含まず無害な合成ソイル
  • 血液成分を一切含まないテストソイル
  • 赤色 = 不十分な洗浄工程
  • 透明 =十分な洗浄工程
  • 記録可能


Getinge Assured Wash Monitor F/R 503864900
Getinge Assured Wash Monitor Holder Flexible (F)  503865100
Getinge Assured Wash Monitor Holder Rigid (R) 503865000


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