
When passion for life reaches beyond people

Our products and solutions sometimes fulfill even more purposes than help saving and improving people´s lives. One example comes from France, where Getinge has teamed up with the Beauval Zoo to enable care of more than 600 species of animals, every day.

Getinge operating lights used at zoo

Image:  Veterinarians performing a throat abscess operation on a pelican.

Let’s be honest, the zoo market is not Getinge’s primary market. But in a few countries, including France, it’s a niche one. Not the least when it comes to our surgical lights; we have for example recently delivered LUCEA 100 to various veterinary clinics in Britany and Lyon.

Since 2012 we are also a preferred partner to the Beauval Zoo, located close to the Loire valley castles.

“Beauval is one of the largest zoological parks in Europe and in August last year they could proudly announce that the first ever French-born panda, Mini Yuan Zi, saw the light of day at their veterinary clinic”, says Jean-Pierre Breysse, Senior Director Strategic Office who has helped set up the operating rooms at the zoo.

During his first visit at the Beauval Zoo, Jean-Pierre remembers a sudden incident where an okapi had broken its leg.

“I can only imagine the number of cases the veterinary staff must be facing every day. And think about how many different mouth pieces they need to use on the ventilators to be able to take care of all different species. It’s impressive”, says Jean-Pierre.

The veterinary clinic was inaugurated in June 2017 and has a very modern structure. In one of its operating rooms there is a double configuration of LUCEA 50. In another one, there is POWERLED 700 with an ORCHIDE HD camera along with a screen and one of our operating tables.

Getinge Powerled 700

Image: Getinge Powerled 700 

“The staff at the clinic confirms that they are working very comfortable and efficient since they got our high technology products in place. They use them both for operating, caring and maintaining the good health of all of the 600 species populating the zoo; including felines, birds, bears, koalas, fishes, elephants, monkeys and reptiles”, explains Jean-Pierre.

Our surgical lights were for example recently used while placing a contraceptive implant in a female orangutan, dental examination of a white tiger under anesthesia as well as performing a throat abscess operation on a pelican.

“I always feel very welcome when I visit the Beauval Zoo, especially since our Getinge logotype is visible at the main entrance of the clinic”, smiles Jean-Pierre.

Learn more about our Surgical Lights.