
Product development that creates sustainable results

Developing innovative products is a vital cornerstone of Getinge’s strategy. EcoDesign means that the products are developed based on the best interests of customers, society and the environment. An example of such development activities is Getinge’s new 9100E series floor-loading cart & utensil washer-disinfectors.


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The washer-disinfectors play a key role in reducing the risk of the spread of infection at hospitals. Accordingly, Getinge developed the new cart washer-disinfectors in close collaboration with hospitals to create a product series optimized for its purpose. The result is a ma­chine that provides the highest quality of washing with minimal environmental impact.

Much of the development work took place at Getinge’s ultra-modern testing lab in Växjö. The lab’s technology can analyze the use of steam, water and electricity consumption to create a product that uses the least amount of energy possible.

“Sustainable product development is a core ele­ment and fundamental requirement for us. Develop­ing products that are better for the environment, for example, with savings tanks for washing and rinsing water, is also positive for the end customers since it saves them time and money,” says Jonas Johansson, R&D Manager in Växjö.

An important advantage with the new cart washerdisinfector is that it can be operated in power-saving mode that reuses hot water. This option not only reduces consumption of water, electricity and detergent in future wash cycles but also reduces the washing time to ten minutes. By using the power-saving mode, the hospital reduces the negative impact on the environment that the washing process would otherwise have, while saving time and money.

“This product combines great design with smart solutions for the highest quality washing process,” says Björn Asking, Project Manager Global Sales at Getinge.

The new 9100E series has been developed to be user friendly with intuitive and simple instructions that minimize the risk of incorrect use. The machine is also sound isolated to provide a healthy work environment.

Learn more about how our cart washer-disinfectors can help you.