Perfusione chirurgica avanzata
Soluzioni Getinge per bypass cardiopolmonare (CPB)

Bypass Cardiopolmonare (CPB)
Il bypass cardiopolmonare (CPB) è una forma di circolazione extracorporea in cui una macchina CPB (macchina cuore-polmone) assume temporaneamente la funzione del cuore e dei polmoni durante l'intervento chirurgico. I componenti per perfusione chirurgica Getinge vengono utilizzati con successo ogni anno in migliaia di procedure di bypass cardiopolmonare.
Getinge cardiopulmonary bypass portfolio
Getinge cardiopulmonary bypass portfolio

Inspired by perfusionists, Getinge's HL 40 heart-lung machine is designed to increase safety and ensure maximum uptime in cardiac surgery. A heart-lung machine permits controlled circulation of oxygenated blood during complex cardiac surgical interventions.
Learn more about HL 40
The VAVD controller allows accurate regulation of vacuum applied to a sealed reservoir. This enables vacuum assisted venous drainage to be performed during cardiovascular procedures.

MetaVision Perfusion is a point-of-care information system designed in close cooperation with experienced perfusionists. The system supports standardized surgical perfusion workflows and is highly configurable to meet the perfusionist needs.
Learn more about MetaVision Perfusion
The venous hard-shell cardiotomy reservoirs are designed for use in cardiopulmonary bypass surgery. They serve as a blood buffer in the extracorporeal circuit and as a collection and defoaming device for aspirated blood.

The oxygenator serves as the lung. It is used in cardiac surgery, in combination with a heart-lung machine, to oxygenate blood, remove carbon dioxide and adjust blood temperature.
Learn more about Quadrox-i oxygenator
Getinge offers various disposable products, customized as well as modular tubing sets and different coating options, required in cardiopulmonary bypass.
Learn more about the disposables for surgical perfusion
Simple, fast and precise control of patients blood temperature are essential requirements for a hypo/hyperthermia device for use during extracorporeal circulation. Temperature change is achieved via a combined oxygenator and heat exchanger during cardiovascular interventions.
Learn more about HCU 40
Nessuno spazio per erroriGetinge mette i pazienti al primo posto da oltre 30 anni
Le funzioni avanzate di perfusione della macchina cuore-polmone HL 40 consentono un trattamento appropriato. Un'interfaccia familiare, sviluppata con i perfusionisti, riduce al minimo la curva di apprendimento per limitare gli errori di utilizzo.
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