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The reproducibility of your work relies on a properly cleaned and sterilized bioreactor

Getinge’s holistic approach to cleaning and sterilization of multi-use bioreactors ensures efficacy and repeatability.

Step 1: Automated washing using the purpose-built bioreactor wash rack sets the foundation for a highly reproducible system.

Step 2: Getinge’s integrated sterilization process allows three different types of loads in one cycle with ensured steam penetration into all components for improved quality assurance.

Together, the Getinge complete solution confirms accurate, repeatable results in less time with less labor so you can get back to what matters – your work.

The complete solution

The complete solution

1. Applikon Bioreactor Systems

The Applikon multi-use bioreactor is used in academic, government and biopharmaceutical laboratories for benchtop research.

2. Getinge Lancer Ultima Laboratory Washers

The Getinge Lancer Ultima series includes undercounter and freestanding models that offer a wide range of labware loading options depending on the research being made.

3. Getinge Bioreactor Wash Racks

The Getinge Bioreactor Wash Racks are specifically designed to load multi-use bioreactors in an efficient way, partially or fully disassembled, in Getinge Lancer Ultima washers.

4. Getinge Laboratory Sterilizers

GSS L/-R and Lancer LSS Sterilizers offer the simplest solution to assured sterilization for reproducibility and quality assurance.

Bioreactor preparation solution whitepaper

Preparation of multi-use bioreactor

Proper preparation of a multi-use bioreactor will increase productivity, reproducibility and avoid process interruptions. This requires a thorough cleaning of the vessel and all associated components.


Advances in bioreactor washing

The programmable labware washer with specialty wash rack for the multi-use bioreactor assures thorough cleaning, better reproducibility and reduced labor.

Bioreactor preparation white paper

Best practices for multi-use bioreactor sterilization

Regardless of whether the bioreactor is being prepared for a same-use application or an entirely different one, all bioreactor components, as well as liquid media, must be made ready through an effective and reproducible process.