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Transformational Partnership enables introduction of EVH in German Hospital

Cardiovascular Procedures
Vasoview HemoPro 2
Cardiovascular Procedures

Getinge's Hospital Transformational Partnership has enabled Segeberger Kliniken to establish endoscopic vessel harvest for coronary bypass surgery. The clinic now benefits from a new unique selling point, and the patients benefit from a significantly lower complication rate.

Conventional open vessel harvest in coronary bypass surgery causes large-scale scars and is at risk of infection and wound healing disorders. On the other hand, with endoscopic vessel harvesting (EVH), the grafts are removed endoscopically through a short incision. Patients benefit postoperatively from fewer wound healing disorders, less pain, faster mobilization and smaller scars. [1]

Prof. Dr. med. Stefan Klotz, Head of Cardiac Surgery at Segeberger Kliniken, reports: "We have been relying on complete arterial revascularization of bypass patients for some time now and are trying to completely dispense with veins. In the case of open removal, patients have a long incision on the forearm, which also looks cosmetically unsightly. The endoscopic removal technique is perfect for removing an arterial graft with a small incision on the wrist and elbow."

The patients are extremely satisfied. Wound healing disorders, hematomas and sensitivity on the hand no longer occur. Patients have significantly less wound pain and can move the arm better. The cosmetic results are also much better compared to open removal.

Top patient satisfaction

So far, EVH has not been reimbursed in the DRG system. "This is a challenge because every hospital has to save. Because we still want to offer our patients a modern minimally invasive technique, Getinge's program is a great benefit for us." For half a year, the clinic has been able to carry out endoscopic sampling using the system provided by Getinge and evaluate patient satisfaction using anonymous patient questionnaires: "The patients are extremely satisfied. Wound healing disorders, hematomas and sensitivity disorders on the hand no longer occur. Patients have significantly less wound pain and can move the arm better. The cosmetic results are also much better compared to open removal." The first positive feedback from the rehab has already arrived: "Of course, our patients also meet patients from other clinics with a long cut there."

According to Prof. Klotz, after a learning curve of about 20 patients, the endoscopic removal is now just as fast as the open one. "Of course, we are also in competition with cardiology. Here in Bad Segeberg, we have a unique selling point through this technology and hope for more patients who we can treat better. Thanks to Getinge, we can offer state-of-the-art minimally invasive bypass surgery without cost pressure."

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Patient Scoring for
Wound Aesthetics

(1 Poor - 5 Very Good)

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Patient Perception of
Pain Post Surgery

(1 Severe - 5 No Pain)

About Getinge Hospital Transformational Partnerships:

As a world leading manufacturer of hospital equipment, medical devices and hospital IT solutions, we can help you improve healthcare efficiency. Our consultants collaborate with your hospital's management and staff to streamline workflows, boost efficiency and increase patient and staff satisfaction. Aligned with your hospital strategy and KPIs we will present solutions to improve patient related outcomes and reduce your operating costs.

Interview with Prof. Dr. Klotz, Head of Cardiac Surgery Segeberger Clinic:


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  1. 1. Ferdinand FD, MacDonald JK, Balkhy HH et al. Endoscopic Conduit Harvest in Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Surgery: An ISMICS Systematic Review and Consensus Conference Statements. Innovations (Phila). 2017 Sep/Oct;12(5):301-319.