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The Audit and Risk committee

The Audit and Risk Committee is a preparatory body in the connection between the Board of Directors and the auditors. Through its activities the Committee shall fulfill the requirements of the Swedish Companies Act and the EU Audit Regulation and  continuously report to the Board of Directors regarding their work.

The Committee’s tasks include assisting the Nomination Committee in the preparation of proposals for the General Meeting on election of, and fees to, auditors, monitoring the independence of the auditors and reviewing the effectiveness of the Company’s internal control, risk management (including financial risk management) and internal audit. It also monitors the work of the Ethics & Compliance function. The Audit and Risk Committee shall issue guidelines for non-audit services provided by the auditor and, where applicable, approve such services in accordance with the applicable guidelines. The Committee shall participate in the planning of the external audit and consult and deliberate with the external auditors on an ongoing basis. Furthermore, the Committee shall review, monitor, and prepare the Group’s financial reporting.

The Committee shall normally hold six meetings during a calendar year.

The members of the Committee are Johan Bygge (Chairman), Cecilia Daun Wennborg, Dan Frohm and Kristian Samuelsson

The Remuneration Committee

The Remuneration Committee’s duties include preparing questions concerning remuneration principles and remuneration as well as other employment terms and conditions for the President & CEO and other members of the Getinge Executive Team. The Committee also prepares proposals to the Board on the guidelines for the remuneration to senior executives, which the Board submits for decision at General Meetings.

The Committee shall follow and evaluates ongoing and completed variable remuneration programs for the Getinge Executive Team during the year and the application of the guidelines for remuneration to senior executives resolved at the AGM, and prepares the Board’s remuneration report.

The Remuneration Committee is a preparatory body in topics concerning succession planning, including the President & CEO, and talent development. However, the Board in its entirety assumes the ultimate responsibility for these matters.

The members of the Committee are Johan Malmquist (Chairman), Carl Bennet and Dan Frohm.

The Ethics and Sustainability Committee

The Ethics and Sustainability Committee shall through its activities prepare strategic matters regarding the company’s work with environmental issues, social issues and responsible corporate governance, including the areas defined by Getinge as key areas for sustainable development. The Committee shall prepare the sustainability related matters which according to the Code are within the responsibility of the Board of Directors. The Committee monitors the work of the Ethics & Compliance function and has the overall responsibility to monitor the implementation of an effective Ethics & Compliance program. In addition, the Committee monitors the work of the Quality, Regulatory & Medical Affairs function and has the overall responsibility for overseeing the implementation of the quality organization.

Another area that has a special attention is the work on Getinges sustainability strategy. The Committee monitors the work with the sustainability report and the work of the Sustainability function.

The members of the Committee are Cecilia Daun Wennborg (Chairman), Malin Persson and Dan Frohm.