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All smiles on the cover of Getinge’s Annual Report

In the Getinge 2018 Annual Report you can read about business performance, financial results and how Getinge products and solutions make a difference. And on the cover this time we see two smiling faces belonging to employees at the Vendôme manufacturing site in France. Let’s get to know them!

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Jason Courtin and Michaël Fresnay were both thrilled and proud when it was decided they would be on the cover of Getinge’s Annual Report for 2018.

Cover of report“We have received many nice comments and compliments from people who say we look genuinely happy. And we are,” says Jason and Michaël with big smiles on their faces.

While Jason has been working at Getinge-La Calhène for 3,5 years, Michaël has been with the company for no less than 17 years. They work at the Vendôme manufacturing site in France – one of the main hubs for Getinge’s Life Science business.

“We assemble DPTE® transfer systems. These products are fitted onto filling lines on our customer’s sites, used for pharmaceutical solutions and also in the nuclear industry,” tells Jason.

Michaël adds:

“The DPTE® guarantees leak tight transfer of items from outside to inside a zone, without having to break containment. This ensures safety for both the operators and the materials they work with, which in many cases are essential medicines.”

They both enjoy their work where they have freedom to operate within their responsibilities.

“It’s really impressive and rewarding that, down the line, lives are saved using these solutions and our work is part of making it possible,” says Michaël.

Even if they don’t have that much direct contact with customers, the entire workforce in Vendôme always aim at full customer satisfaction.

“There are no compromises when it comes to quality and delivery on time,” tells Jason.

At work Michaël is training to become a team leader and supervisor.

“Together with some colleagues here in Vendôme I’m currently learning how to manage a team. I am also deeply involved in health and safety questions, it’s extremely important to protect our staff at work.”

Jason adds:

“Michaël always tell us to watch out for our back, encouraging us not to carry too heavy loads.”

Both at work and during time off Jason do sports. He is engaged in many activities with his colleagues at Getinge, such as volleyball, handball and table tennis.

“When I am not working I love travelling, I’m curious about new things and love to see new places.”

Michaël also enjoys travelling, especially going camping in his own camping car to move about freely wherever he wants, meeting new people and experience new cultures. One day he hopes to go around the world in his camping car. And he has one more special hobby.

“I’ve been racing pigeons for many years and today I own over 80 birds. I bring them to big competitions in France, its great fun!”

You can see, not the least on the cover of the annual report, that they are both fond of having each other as colleagues. And if they only get three words to describe each other it goes like this:

“Michaël is skilled, passionate and a talented instructor.”

“Jason is a true listener, very punctual and energetic which makes everything more fun.”

Read Getinge's Annual Report for 2018