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Getinge Group Q2 Report 2009

Reporting period January – June

• Orders received increased by 20.6% to SEK 11,081 M (9,185) • Net sales increased by 24.8% to SEK 10,677 M (8,558) • Profit before tax rose by 33.6% to SEK 993 M (743) • Net profit increased by 34.7% to SEK 715 M (531) • Earnings per share rose by 34.7% to SEK 2.99 (2.22) • Continued favourable earnings outlook for the year Second quarter 2009 The demand scenario in the US and certain other growth markets remained uncertain, although some optimism regarding an impending turnaround can be detected in the US. A continued and selective adjustment of the Group’s costs and synergy gains meant that profit growth remained strong despite a weaker market.
