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PulsioFlex Monitor

Patient focused flexibility

Modular platform with intelligent visualization for advanced patient monitoring

The PulsioFlex monitoring platform is a flexible visualization device for advanced patient monitoring for the ICU and OR.
This convenient and compact bedside monitor is easy to set up and assists users through smart and intuitive handling.
Use different hemodynamic monitoring technologies with PulsioFlex's expandable modular design or as stand-alone monitor.

Flexible and patient-focused advanced hemodynamic monitoring

PulsioFlex is a flexible platform with intelligent visualization for advanced hemodynamic patient monitoring. Through modular expandability and the availability of our efficient monitoring technologies, the system is able to be adapted to each patient's individual need at any time:

  • Meeting your information requirements
  • Matching your clinical setting (OR, ER, ICU)
  • Adapted to your patient's risk level

Technical specifications are subject to change without further notice

The medical device is CE marked according to Directive 93/42/EEC.

Related products

Optimal readability

  • Brilliant 8" LED color screen with high resolution
  • Dark background and wide reading angle (>170°)

Easy to use

  • Glass touch screen and intuitive user interface
  • Individually adjustable parameter layout

Comfortable handling

  • Minimised dimensions and low weight
  • Flexible mounting and installation possibilities

Future-proof platform concept

  • Modular expandability with automatic module detection
  • Network compatible e.g. print function via hospital network


PulsioFlex is a flexible monitoring platform optimized for perioperative and intensive care monitoring. 
It can be adapted to individual needs in order to answer the following questions: 

Detection of perioperative and intensive care deterioration of hemodynamics:


  • Is the systemic oxygen supply stable? 
    CO Trend
  • Will an increase in preload lead to a higher CO? 
    SVV / PPV

Pre- and intra-operative volume optimization:


  • Is the patient adequately filled? 
    CO, preload, lung water, volume responsiveness SVV / PPV

Post-operative management of haemodynamic complications:


  • Adequate oxygen supply? 
  • Volume or catecholamines? 
    CO, preload, contractility, afterload
  • Does an increase in preload lead to a higher CO? Volume responsiveness SVV / PPV

At a certain point you will need more information about your patient’s hemodynamic condition

Guide fluid therapy via dynamic parameters in order to optimize the balance between oxygen delivery and consumption

Professional arterial flow* CO trend monitoring with ProAQT:

  • CO trend monitoring via a standard arterial catheter line
  • Manual and automatic calibration possible
  • Validated start value determination and PiCCO based pulse contour algorithm for beat by beat cardiac output trend

* the Q of ProAQT is the physical symbol for flow

PiCCO Technology is based on two physical principles, namely transpulmonary thermodilution and pulse contour analysis.

Complete hemodynamic monitoring with PiCCO:

  • Calibrated real-time CO and stroke volume
  • Determination of preload volume and diagnosis of pulmonary oedema
  • Afterload, contractility and volume responsiveness






Invasiveness Minimally invasive
Arterial line
Less invasive
Arterial catheter

Pulse contour analysis (continuous)

Chronotropy HR HR
Blood Pressure APsys, APdia, MAP APsys, APdia, MAP
Flow CITrend/Cal**, SVI CIPC*, SVI
Contractility dPmxCPI dPmxCPI
Afterload SVRI SVRI
Volume Responsiveness SVV/PPV SVV/PPV

Thermodilution (discontinuous)

Flow   CITD***
Preload   GEDI
Contractility   CFIGEF
Pulmonary edema   ELWIPVPI

Getinge is a medical device manufacturer and does not practice medicine. Getinge does not recommend these values for use on a specific patient.

* Cardiac index derived from pulse contour
** Calibrated from internal or external reference value
*** Cardiac index derived from thermodilution

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