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Our unique anesthesia technology makes the difference

At Getinge we are passionate about patient safety and care efficiency. That’s why we have developed Dynamic Anesthesia Delivery for our Flow Family anesthesia machines – innovative technology that puts the clinician in control, supplying safe and precise anesthesia for any patient, case or situation.

o2guard anesthesia flow

Active hypoxia prevention

Our O2Guard is the world’s only system for active hypoxia prevention. Should the inspired oxygen level drop below 21%, the O2Guard automatically overrules the settings and increases the flow of oxygen. [7]

Mac brain anesthesia flow

Informed anesthetic dosing

To facilitate decision-making when dosing anesthesia agents, we have created MAC Brain. A unique tool that visualizes the difference in agent concentration between the lungs and the target organ, the brain. [8] [9] [10]

Lung recruitment flow anesthesia

Gentle steps against atelectasis

Our lung recruitment maneuvers have become the tool of choice to counter
atelectasis, to improve oxygenation and help prevent postoperative complications. [11] [12]

Ventilation anesthesia flow

ICU-grade Ventilation

Innovative Flow Core Technology is designed to promote efficient agent usage, providing the power and precision to ventilate even challenging patients. [13] [14] [15]

User-friendly anesthesia workstations in the OR

Getinge Flow-i Anesthesia Machine

"Flow-i is so easy to use, training new staff and external consultants is made much easier…" [16]

Flow Family Anesthesia machines

Ease of use for a streamlined workflow

Developed together with clinicians, our Flow Family anesthesia machines, are designed to facilitate a great scope for personalization and patient safety.

With an intuitive interface and emphasis on ease of use [16], they ensure a streamlined workflow and efficiency that offers enhanced cost control and resource management.

Comprehensive Service and Support

Avoid cancelling procedures

Connect and take control

The Getinge Online web portal connects you to any Getinge device, getting access to valuable data that will support biomeds and clinicians in their daily work. The portal is a powerful tool for enhancing uptime and efficient use of your hospitals resources. 

  • Improve uptime in your OR
  • Reduce costs and carbon footprint
Man looking straight smiling

One coherent offer

Getinge Services will maximize uptime and the long-term value of your investment. We provide a service plan that includes proactive maintenance, easy troubleshooting and prompt service by our certified field reps – ensuring your equipment is operating to its full potential, all the time.

Anesthesia consumables

Quality consumables

The genuine Getinge consumables portfolio is specially developed for the highest possible patient safety and ease of use. Our original accessories and consumables ensure the best performance and safety for the Flow Family anesthesia delivery system.

Flowchart showing hospital information system integration from HIS and PDMS to MSync and Products using HL7.

Connectivity between systems

MSync makes it easy to connect the Flow machine to patient monitor, HIS and patient data management system with no need for third party systems. Patient data is transferred via HL7 (MSync) in real time to support decision-making.


The products, availability of the Flow Family anesthesia systems and SW version may be pending regulatory approvals to be marketed in your country. Contact your Getinge representative for more information. The assertions stated by the physician are strictly those of the physician and do not necessarily reflect the views of Getinge.
Legal Manufacturer · Maquet Critical Care AB · Röntgenvägen 2 SE-171 54 Solna · Sweden · +46 (0)10 335 73 00

  1. 1. Carette R, De Wolf AM, Hendrickx JF. Automated gas control with the Maquet Flow-i. J Clin Monit Comput. 2016 Jun;30(3):341-6.

  2. 2. Getinge case story MX-7418, rev01: Agent savings with Flow-i AGC at Maria Middelare hospital, Belgium.

  3. 3. Lucangelo U, Garufi G, Marras E, et al. End-tidal versus manually-controlled low-flow anaesthesia. J Clin Monit Comput. 2014; 28: 117-121.

  4. 4. Brattwall M, Warrén-Stomberg M, Hesselvik F, Jakobsson J. Brief review: Theory and practice of minimal fresh gas flow anesthesia. Can J Anaesth. 2012 Aug;59(8):785-97

  5. 5. M. Bilgi, S. Goksu, A. Mizrak, et al. Comparison of the effects of low-flow and high-flow inhalational anaesthesia with nitrous oxide and desflurane on mucociliary activity and pulmonary function tests, Eur J Anaesthesiol 2011;28:279–283

  6. 6. Kalmar A. et al. Minimizing sevoflurane wastage by sensible use of automated gas control technology in the flow-i workstation: an economic and ecological assessment. J Clin Monit Comput. 2022 Jan 3. doi: 10.1007/s10877-021-00803-z.

  7. 7. Ghijselings IE, De Cooman S, Carette R, et al. Performance of an active inspired hypoxic guard. J Clin Monit Comput. 2016 Feb;30(1):63-8t.

  8. 8. Drews FA, Syroid N, Agutter J, Strayer DL, Westenskow DR. Drug delivery as control task: improving performance in common anesthetic task. Hum Factors 2006;48:85–94.

  9. 9. ECRI. The MAC Brain feature on Getinge anesthesia units: ECRI's view. Device Evaluation 2022 Jan5.

  10. 10. Internal report EVU-197031 - 01 - Flow 4.7 Enhanced Post Market Surveillance Report 2019

  11. 11. García-Fernández J, Romero A, Blanco A, et al. Recruitment manoeuvres in anaesthesia: How many more excuses are there not to use them? Rev Esp Anestesiol Reanim.2018 Apr;65(4):209-217

  12. 12. Yassen et al. Respiratory and Hemodynamic Effects of Prophylactic Alveolar Recruitment During Liver Transplant. Experimental and Clinical Transplantation (2021) DOı: 10.6002/ect.2020.0412

  13. 13. Internal test reports comparing Flow-i with vendor machines; EVU 125310, EVU-125312, EVU-125313

  14. 14. Case study contributed by Dr. Waltraud Bruchelt and Dr. Günter Baumann, Dept. of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, University Hospital Graz, Austria.

  15. 15. Lucangelo U, Ajčević M, Accardo A, et al. Flow-i ventilator performance in the presence of a circle system leak. J Clin Monit Comput. 2017 Apr;31(2):273 280.

  16. 16. Internal report EVU 205592 NPS Summary Anesthesia 2019