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Assured AccuFast 1710 Incubator

The Getinge Assured 1710 Incubator is specifically designed for incubation of the AccuFast and AccuView Biological Indicators. The internal thermometer, continuously monitors the incubation temperature and displays it on the LCD screen to provide easy verification of incubation temperature.

Getinge Assured Smart-Well Incubator with Printer is designed for incubating Smart-Read biological indicators

Getinge Assured AccuFast 1710 Incubator offers the following features:

  • Continuously monitors up to ten independent exposed AccuFast biological indicators and one unexposed positive control BI.
  • All test results are automatically printed to the attached printer the moment they become available, and the user is alerted in the event of an undesirable result by an audible alarm.
  • Features a touch sensitive, color liquid crystal display (LCD) for interacting with the powerful, feature rich user interface.
  • The incubator does not require field calibration, and operating temperature can be periodically verified by simply inserting a thermometer probe into the thermometer cavity.

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Description Part #
AccuFast 1710 Incubator (with printer) 61301606672
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