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Etik og bæredygtighed

Getinges arbejde med bæredygtighed er en integreret del af vores passion for livet. Vi hjælper vores kunder med at redde liv med en forpligtelse til at drive forretning, der er socialt, etisk og miljømæssigt forsvarlig i hele værdikæden.

Woman in medical uniform looking straight

Investorer – det gør en forskel

Vi tror på, at vi kan gøre en forskel. Og vores lange historie viser, at vores passion for at forbedre patientresultater gennem førende teknologi og integrerede medtech-løsninger tilfører værdi til både sundhedsvæsenet og investorerne.

DPTE®-EXO Alpha Port

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image mask DPTE-EXO Alpha port from the inside of the filling line

The Servo Ventilator - The pioneer in personalized ventilation

A scientific wonder that captivated the medical world more than 50 years ago

Experience Servo
image mask A clinician adjusting the pause time setting on a Servo 900 mechanical ventilator placed next to an a baby in an incubator

Investor's reports & presentations

Get access to the latest interim and annual reports as well as presentations or find the right one from the archive.

View our Q1, 2022 report
image mask Sunset seen from a plane

The Value of Advanced Hemodynamic Monitoring

Beyond Basic - with advanced hemodynamic parameters. Learn more about blood pressure, blood flow, preload, afterload, contractility, and pulmonary edema parameters.

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image mask Hemodynamic parameter

Maquet Volista Surgical Light

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image mask Surgery can be a high-stress job with long hours. Poor lighting can slow surgical progress and cause eye strain that can lead to fatigue-related errors. Improve outcomes for patients and staff with high-quality surgical lighting.

DPTE®-EXO Alpha Port

The Servo Ventilator - The pioneer in personalized ventilation

Investor's reports & presentations

The Value of Advanced Hemodynamic Monitoring

Maquet Volista Surgical Light

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