
Getinge and Norbert celebrate 50 years together

What is it like to have worked for the same company for 50 years? Maybe not that many people know the answer to that question nowadays – but Getinge employee Norbert Laubel actually does.

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Yesterday there were big celebrations going on in Getinge’s facilities in German city Rastatt. The reason for it? Getinge has been lucky enough to have had one of its employees, Norbert Laubel, with the company for no less than 50 years. And the joint journey doesn’t stop just yet.

Norbert 1 300“I will continue to work throughout the year. But it was really nice to already now get together and highlight these 50 years. Time truly flies,” tells Norbert. “It was a nice celebration with cakes and presents, but most of all a wonderful chance to spend time with all my favorite colleagues.”

When Norbert started back in 1969 he did an apprenticeship as a metal worker. Since, he has had many positions such as working within production and service.

“I have continued to study and learn new things in order to move on within other areas, and only had a two-year pause to do military service. But after that I came right back to Getinge and eventually I started working more and more with IT – the area where I’m still active today.”

Since 2009 Norbert is a manager within SAP and leads his own team.

“It’s been an interesting journey being part of Getinge for so many years. It’s not just my positions that have changed of course, the entire company has changed too, most recently by going from Getinge Group with lots of brands coming together as one Getinge brand in 2017.”

But new challenges and changes are actually some of the things that Norbert likes most about his job as it keeps him on his toes. And also when he is not working Norbert has a lot going on.

“I have many hobbies such as mountain biking, singing in a choir and jogging. The day I retire I am sure my wife will be glad to see me even more, we also have four adult children. And then of course there is the small wine yard, I run one in my spare time and we also have a big house where we do lots of reconstruction. So I never get bored!”