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Getinge Assured Smart-Read Biological Indicator Steam

Failed cycle detection in 3 to 5 hours

The Getinge Assured Smart-Read™ Self-Contained Biological Indicator (Steam) contains a known quantity 105 of Geobacilus Stearothermophilus, 7953, bacterial spores inoculated onto filter paper and placed inside a plastic culture tube with a crushable inner glass ampoule containing the culture medium. Available for steam processes at 121°C, 132°C, 134°C and 135°C.

* Not available for sales in the USA.

Getinge Assured Smart-Read Biological Indicator Steam is for biological testing of steam sterilizers

Getinge Assured Smart-Read Biological Indicator Steam offers:

  • Failed cycle results in 3 to 5 hours
  • Results are based on actual biological reading, not an enzymatic prediction
  • 10 hours incubation required in Getinge Assured Smart-Well Incubator
  • Conforms to EN ISO 11138

Technical data

  Order No.
Getinge Assured Smart-Read Biological Indicator Steam 504054100
Getinge Assured Smart-Well Incubator with Printer 504054400

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