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Getinge Assured MI Migrating Integrator

Clear blue Pass/Fail results

The Getinge Assured MI Steam Migrating Integrator Strips are designed to react to all critical process variables for steam sterilization cycles according to ISO 11140-1, Type 5 Integrating Indicators.

During steam sterilization, the chemical pellet melts and migrates as a blue color along the paper wick. The migration is visible through a window marked FAIL or PASS.

*Not available for sales in the US

Getinge Assured MI Steam Migrating Integrator Strips react to all critical process variables for steam

Getinge Assured MI Migrating Integrator offers:

  • Easy interpretation with "PASS" and "FAIL" windows
  • Assurance to the user that minimum cycle parameters have been achieved inside the pack
  • Cost effective
  • Compatible with all steam sterilization methods
  • Conforms to EN ISO 11140-1, Type 5

Technical data

  Order No.
Getinge Assured MI Steam Migrating Integrator Strip 6005500510

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